Stainless Steel Product Fabrication
Conway Engineering has been fabricating stainless steel products for over thirty years, in our well equipped workshop with our highly skilled workforce. We pride ourselves on prompt delivery of projects to an extremely high standard.
Our clients operate across a number of industries: industrial; pharmaceutical; municipal and manufacturing.
A small sample of fabrication capabilities:
- Inlet Screen Screw Conveyors for Wastewater Treatment Plants
- Manhole Covers for various Local Authorities
- Stairs, steps and handrailing to conform with H&S requirements
- Steel bridges and access platforms
- Stainless steel pipework, fabricated and installed
- Stainless steel moveable bridges for cleaning lamella plates
- Ferric storage tanks for Wastewater Treatment Works
- Stainless steel tanks for pharmaceutical industry
Access to Heights and Edge Projection Programme
Conway Engineering was appointed by Irish water to deliver Lot 2 of the Access to Heights and Edge Protection Programme for the East / Midlands of the country. The broad scope of works was to design and implement appropriate solutions at 132 Water and Wastewater Treatment Facilities. The aim of the project was to address risks associated with access to heights and inadequate edge protection to ensure infrastructure complies with all relevant standards, legislation and regulations.
Our in-house design staff and manufacturing staff worked closely to identify the shortfalls ensuring safe operation of the plant and achieve efficiencies in the design, manufacture and installation phases.
Along with our in-house fabrication workshop we utilise our extensive suit of Autodesk drawing packages to produce 3D drawings of the sites.Conway Engineering has invested in a comprehensive design drawing package providing our Engineers with the tools to efficiently design and identify innovations/efficiencies for the Client. We have the complete AutoDesk AEC collection.

CE Certification
Conway Engineering currently holds accreditation to EN 1090-1:2009 Standard for the Manufacture & Installation of Structural Steel Components. This certification was achieved through the implementation of EN 1090-1 and EN 1090-2 standards and the subsequent certification audit through the notified body Centre for Assessment (CFA) who are themselves certified by UKAS. The certification is maintained through a program of annual surveillance audits from Centre for Assessment.
The accreditation to the EN 1090 standard ensures that the products we manufacture and install on site can carry the CE Mark which is now a legal requirement under Regulation (EU) No 305/2011, known as the Construction Products Regulation or CPR. The accreditation also ensures the company can meet its obligations under the Building Control Regulations 2014, whereby the company can provide Declarations of Performance for our products to the Assigned Certifier.