Curragh Racecourse WwTP DBO Project
The Curragh Racecourse WwTP design was based on Sequencing Batch reactor (SBR) treatment configuration with a treatment capacity of 500PE. The following Design Standards and Specifications were adopted in the preparation of the Design Calculations:
- German ATV-DVWK Rules and Standards; Standard ATV-DWA-M210; Guideline for the Design and Dimensioning of Activated Sludge Plants using Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) Technology.
- German ATV-DVWK Rules and Standards; Standard ATV-DVWK-A 131E; Dimensioning of Single Stage Activated Sludge Plants.
- Irish Water Sludge Management Plan- Sludge Loading Data
- British Water – Code of Practice – Sizing Criteria, Treatment Capacity for Small Wastewater Treatment Systems (Package Plants)
Conway Engineering assumed the roles of Designer, Main Contractor, PSDP for this contract with all the duties and responsibilities that entails. An overview of these responsibilities is listed below:
- Design each element of the upgrade – Civil, Structural, Process, Mechanical, Electrical, ICA Telemetry.
- Submit design submissions to Employer’s Representative for review and agree final design prior to works commencing.
- As PSDP co-ordinate all designers for the project, produce and maintain the Designer’s Risk Assessment, develop Preliminary H&S plan and compile information to produce Safety File
- As Main Contractor manage the successful delivery of the project including, but not limited to:
– Project planning – schedule, budget, specification and quality management
– Management of in-house design and external design consultants
– Management of in-house mechanical, electrical and civil operatives
– Management of sub-contractors – electrical and civil - Liaison with Employer (Curragh Racecourse Redevelopment Office), Employer’s representative (AECOM), stakeholders such as Kildare County Council and ESB
This wastewater treatment plant was constructed entirely below existing ground level with all tanks being constructed with cast in-situ reinforced concrete. Excavation to formation was to approx. 6.5m below existing ground level. The only visible evidence of the final of WwTP at this site is the concrete roof and tank access covers.
The new WWTP comprises
- Inlet Screening Works
- Balance Tank
- Forward feed pumping station
- Long Term Buffer Tank,
- 2 no. SBR Tanks