Conway Engineering News
New WwTP for Dublin Port Alexandra Basin Dredging
Conway Engineering is delighted to be working with Roadbridge & Keating Construction on the design and construction of a new wastewater treatment plant (WwTP) to treat runoff from dredging operations as part of the €100M Alexandra Basin Redevelopment in Dublin Port. This redevelopment involves the construction of approximately 3km of quay walls and deepening of the harbour basin and channel to accommodate larger sea going vessels.
Roadbridge & Keating Construction have been commissioned by Dublin Port to undertake dredging and stabilisation of contaminated sediments from the Alexandra Basin for re-use as engineering fill. The legacy contamination within dredged sediments relates to historical ship building and maintenance activities. The presence of metals and organo-tin compounds (TBTs) within the dredged sediments are the main risk drivers governing the suitability for reuse and the discharge of runoff. Conway Engineering has been commissioned to design a WwTP within a small available footprint to remove any contaminants from the runoff in accordance with the Industrial Emissions License as granted by the EPA. We look forward to working with all stakeholders on the delivery of this prestigious project.
HILTI on track implemented
Conway Engineering is pleased to announce the recent implementation of the new Hilti On!Track Asset Management System. The Hilti On!Track management system uses mobile technology and web-based systems to provide real-time reporting on the status of assets, equipment and consumables. Portable devices are Used by staff to allow asset data to be captured and monitored straight away.
The system has been specifically aligned with our company needs, enabling us to streamline our assets, plant hire, health & safety and ISO requirements. The system tracks exactly what equipment is available, where it is and who is using it. When items need maintenance or calibration, the system automatically alerts us. Thank you to the Hilti On!Track Team for their support and service throughout.

Commissioning and Handover of Mountmellick and Castletown WWTPs
The commissioning and handover of 2 no. wastewater treatment plant upgrades in County Laois was completed by Conway Engineering this month. Irish Water, working in partnership with Laois County Council, employed Conway Engineering to undertake essential upgrade works to both the Mountmellick (6000PE) and Castletown (800PE) wastewater treatment plants. These plants, located approx. 20km apart, were tendered separately by Irish Water, with Conway Engineering appointed to design and construct both contracts. Considerably efficiencies were then achieved for all stakeholders by agreeing to run the two projects concurrently.
The improvement works include upgrades to all elements of the treatment process including inlet works, screening, aeration and clarifier upgrades. The upgrade works were planned and sequenced to minimise disruption to the live plants, with tanks and fittings pre-fabricated off-site at our Workshop, significantly reducing site works and downtime of the plants. Conway Engineering’s value engineering proposal to upgrade the aeration systems to Fine Bubble Diffused Air (FBDA) systems will significantly reduce operational costs at the plant for Irish Water into the future.

Commissioning of Curragh WwTP
The Curragh Racecourse Wastewater Treatment Plant in County Kildare was tested and commissioned by Conway Engineering this month. The project, delivered as part of the €70M Curragh Racecourse Redevelopment was delivered by Conway Engineering under a Design Build and Operate Contract. Conway Engineering will now operate the plant for a period of 3 no. years.
The tertiary treatment plant features 2 no. Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) tanks, with downstream polishing of effluent before discharge to ground. The plant also features a storm holding buffer tank, inlet works and sludge holding facilities. The plant is buried underground to reduce visual impact and features in-situ concrete tanks. One of the main design challenges was designing the plant to cater for the day to day activities at the Curragh racecourse office development, with a daily design load of 500PE, but allowing sufficient capacity and flexibility to cater for large race meets where crowds of up to 7000 people attend each day.